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Recharts scatter chart shows the lowest x value in tooltip when chart is resized

I am using Recharts Scatter chart to draw a bubble chart. As per requirements, the chart should be resizable to double the height or width. Before resizing everything is fine. But once the chart is resized, the tooltip shows an additional item (this is the lowest value in x axis data set across all data series). Once this happens, this incorrect tooltip persists even after changing chart back to original size.

Correct tooltip before resizing


Incorrect tooltip after resizing, here 45 is the lowest x value in both Type A and Type B

调整大小后工具提示不正确,此处 45 是 Type A 和 Type B 中的最低 x 值

Here is my code:

 const BubbleChart = ({ data, width, height }) => { const drawCharts = (data) => { const charts = []; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { charts.push( <Scatter name={data[i].name} data={data[i].values} fill={colors[i]} /> ); } return charts; }; return ( <ScatterChart width={width} height={height - 100} margin={{ top: 10, right: 40, bottom: 0, left: 0 }} > <CartesianGrid strokeDasharray="3 3" /> <XAxis type="number" dataKey="x" name="height" unit="cm" range={[100, 250]} /> <YAxis type="number" dataKey="y" name="width" unit="cm" range={[200, 300]} /> <ZAxis type="number" dataKey="z" name="weight" unit="cm" range={[200, 1000]} /> <Tooltip cursor={{ strokeDasharray: '3 3' }} /> <Legend /> {drawCharts(data)} </ScatterChart> ); };

How can I avoid this incorrect legend on resizing the chart?

For anyone who is interested, I found this codepen where we can override the default tooltip by passing a function. https://codepen.io/brockboren/pen/yEaYQo

So I changed my code:

<Tooltip cursor={{ strokeDasharray: '3 3' }} />


<Tooltip labelFormatter={() => { return ''; }} cursor={{ strokeDasharray: '3 3' }} />

which solved the issue for me.

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