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Is there a better way to list K8s Events that belong to a specific K8s Object?

Is there a better way to list K8s Events that belong to a specific K8s Object?

For example, if I wanted to list all events that belonged to a Pod named "podname", I'd do the following:

opts := metav1.ListOptions{
    TypeMeta:      metav1.TypeMeta{Kind: "Pod"},
    FieldSelector: "involvedObject.name=podname",
events, err := clientSet.CoreV1().Events(namespace).List(opts)

Is there a alternative/more idiomatic way in Go to filter by the kube object's name (instead of using a json-like string in FieldSelector)?

No, but a little bit better way is:

fieldSelector, _ := fields.ParseSelector("involvedObject.name=podname,involvedObject.kind=Pod")
opts := metav1.ListOptions{FieldSelector: fieldSelector.String()}

events, err := clientSet.CoreV1().Events(namespace).List(opts)

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