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Calling component from service - angular

I already tried a few approaches but none of them seems to work so far. I am trying to call a function in one component on click event in another component. I don't have any errors in the console.

First component

constructor(public projectService: ProjectOverviewService) {  }
delete(event) {


invokeFirstComponentFunction = new EventEmitter();
subsVar: Subscription;

onFirstComponentButtonClick() {

Second component

constructor(public projectOverviewService: ProjectOverviewService){}
ngOnInit(): void {
if (this.projectOverviewService.subsVar == undefined) {
      this.projectOverviewService.subsVar = this.projectOverviewService.
        invokeFirstComponentFunction.subscribe((name: string) => {
          console.log("I am here!!!");

I am not hitting console.log ever.

You can use RXJS import Subject

First component

constructor(public projectService: ProjectOverviewService) {  }

delete(event) {


 public invokeFirstComponentFunction = new Subject();

Second Component

subsVar: Subscription;

constructor(public projectOverviewService: ProjectOverviewService){}
ngOnInit(): void {
      this.subsVar = this.projectOverviewService.invokeFirstComponentFunction.
       .subscribe(() => {
          console.log("I am here!!!");
this.subsVar && this.subsVar.unsbscribe()

If you are planning to establish communication between 2 components using a service, then event-emitter is not the approach. This is what I would do:

First component

constructor(public projectService: ProjectOverviewService) {  }
delete(event) {


invokeFirstComponentFunction = new Subject<string>();
subs$ = this.invokeFirstComponentFunction.asObservable();

onFirstComponentButtonClick(name: string) {

Second component

constructor(public projectOverviewService: ProjectOverviewService){}
ngOnInit(): void {
  this.projectOverviewService.subs$.subscribe((name: string) => {
    console.log("I am here!!!");

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