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Call Javascript function with Object AND array parameters

I've seen many posts about using Javascripts apply() and ES6 ellipses calls but they only seem to deal with passing arrays and that's it. I'd like to pass an Object and an array.

function myFunction(obj, arr) {
    // Not really doing this but you get the idea
    if (arr.includes(obj)) {

let theArr = ["bob", "mike", "steve"];
let o = "sally";

myFunction(o, theArr); // How can I do something equivalent to this?


The second argument of apply() is the array of arguments , if you want to pass one object and an array you just have to include those in the array. For example:

 function test(el1, el2){ alert(el1.a); alert(el2); alert(this.b); } test.apply( {b: 4}, //First argument, the new *this* variable [{a:1}, [2, 3]] //Second argument is the list of arguments passed to test() );

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