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How to run a javascript client inside a Docker container?

So, I have 3 files:

  • client.js
  • app.js
  • database.js

In the app.js file, I have created an express server with multiple services that connect to the database. The client.js file runs the services, using node-fetch.

So far, I have created a Dockerfile to run app.js:

FROM node:10
COPY package.json /app
RUN npm install
COPY . /app
CMD node app

Perhaps this is a dumb question but, is there any way to create another Dockerfile to run the client.js inside a container?

Thank you.

Use docker-compose and put all the services in a same network.

Here's a gross outline of how it should look:

version: "3.3"

    image: #image built for client, I recommend node:alpine
      - your_network
    image: #image of database system you're using
           #use docker pull NAME_OF_DATABASE_SYSTEM
      - your_network
  client: #image of the client built with node:alpine
      - your_network


  - your_network

A basic way to structure a project like this is with docker-compose.

Create a docker-compose.yml file in your project root:

version: "3.9"

    image: sarah/app
    build: app
    - 3000:3000
      SERVICES: http://services:3000

    image: sarah/services
    build: services
      DATABASE: database:2345

    image: mysql # whatever....

Then create a folder app with a Dockerfile and move app.js there And a folder services and move the other.js files there. I have added environment variables demonstrating how one can configure the services with the correct connection strings to the other services. Implementing the conviguration via env vars is up to you.

docker-compose up will start 3 containers - one each for services, app and database.
docker-compose build will rebuild any images that the Dockerfiles (or other files) have changed.

In your app container use the connection string "services:" to connect to the service app, as each container is added to a private dns using its service name, so "database:" will also be the address used to access your db from whichever container.

http://localhost:3000 on a desktop browser will navigate to the app on its published port.

In compose v3 the services dont need to be explicitly added to networks, or linked as they are automatically added to a "default" network that you will see created when you first deploy (up) the compose file.

Apologies to @gordon_freeman for the redundant answer, but I wanted to present an example with up to date syntax.

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