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How can I add hyperlinks to columns of a table using thymeleaf th:each?

I'm trying to create hyperlinks for each element in a table generated by thymeleaf.

    <tr th:each="author :${authors}">
        <td th:text="${author.id}"></td>
        <a th:href="@{/authors/{id}(id=${author.id})}">
            <td class="authorLink" th:text="${author.firstName}"></td>
        <td th:text="${author.lastName}"></td>

The code above is giving me an output of the generated hyperlinks outside of the table.

This is a link to the generated html. https://i.gyazo.com/7dae68eb42cd084b59030e7b17590e5e.png

"linklinklinklink" is the output of the generated hyperlinks. I would like for the 'First Name' column to become hyperlinks. If anyone can tell me how I can accomplish this that would be great.

Place your <a> tag inside the <td> cell where you want the link to appear:

    <a th:href="@{/authors/{id}(id=${author.id})}" 

Note how you can use a th:text="..." attribute inside the <a> tag, as well, to control the visible text for the link.

In your case, you had a <a> tag inside a row, but not part of any cell. This is invalid HTML, so your browser's HTML renderer dumped the links somewhere else (above the table, in this case).

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