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Autofac Registration & Resolution Confusion

Having trouble determining how to register two instances of a concrete class with different parameter arguments that later need to resolve to different services. In my app I am outputting data from a model to a text file:

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    .WithParameter("connectionString", ConnectionString)

builder.Register(c => new FileStream(".\cat.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
// how would I also register another file stream like this so that it can be used later on?
//builder.Register(c => new FileStream(".\dog.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
//   .As<FileStream>();

// and would I need to alter this, or would it be able to resolve multiple streamwriters?
builder.Register(c => new StreamWriter(c.Resolve<FileStream>()) { AutoFlush = true })
builder.Register(c =>
    var csvWriter = new CsvWriter(c.Resolve<StreamWriter>(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

var container = builder.Build();

using (var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope())
    var cnn = container.Resolve<IDbConnection>();
    var catRecords = cnn.Query<CatModel>("select * from dbo.Cat")
    // how do I get the correct resolution here?
    //var dogRecords = cnn.Query<DogModel>("select * from dbo.Dog")

How do I register and resolve correctly to incorporate the two files correctly? Do I needed to use a delegate factory? Keyed registration? I have read through the documentation quite a lot, but I'm having trouble figuring out what fits here.

Keyed Services

Implementation with keyed services

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    .WithParameter("connectionString", ConnectionString)

builder.Register(c => new FileStream(".\cat.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
builder.Register(c => new FileStream(".\dog.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))

builder.Register(c => new StreamWriter(c.ResolveKeyed<FileStream>("cat")) { AutoFlush = true })
builder.Register(c => new StreamWriter(c.ResolveKeyed<FileStream>("dog")) { AutoFlush = true })

builder.Register(c =>
    new CsvWriter(c.ResolveKeyed<StreamWriter>("cat"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
builder.Register(c =>
    new CsvWriter(c.ResolveKeyed<StreamWriter>("dog"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

var container = builder.Build();

using (var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope())
    var cnn = container.Resolve<IDbConnection>();
    var catRecords = cnn.Query<CatModel>("select * from dbo.Cat")
    var dogRecords = cnn.Query<DogModel>("select * from dbo.Dog")

Named Services + Autofac Module

Combining the solution above with an Autofac module to help adhere to DRY coding practices. Swapped keyed services for named services since that was more the intent. As a side note, CsvWriter (part of CsvHelper) automatically flushes the buffer when using WriteRecords . You will get better performance by setting AutoFlush = false on the StreamWriter.

public class FlatFileModule : Module
    protected readonly string _filePath;
    protected readonly string _recordType;

    public FlatFileModule(string FilePath, string RecordType)
        _filePath = FilePath;
        _recordType = RecordType;

    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
        builder.Register(c => 
            new StreamWriter(_filePath, false, Encoding.UTF8) 
                AutoFlush = false 

        builder.Register(c => 
            new CsvWriter(


var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    .WithParameter("connectionString", ConnectionString)

builder.RegisterModule(new FlatFileModule(@".\cat.txt", "Cat"));
builder.RegisterModule(new FlatFileModule(@".\dog.txt", "Dog"));

var container = builder.Build();

using (var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope())
    var cnn = container.Resolve<IDbConnection>();
    var catRecords = cnn.Query<CatModel>("select * from dbo.Cat")
    var dogRecords = cnn.Query<DogModel>("select * from dbo.Dog")

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