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Some Project in a solution is unable to find System references to NuGet Packages

This is a project that's being cloned from Git, my references are all showing that it could not be found, even though some of it is built in system reference. This solution was cloned from a Git Repository, and I have "Allow NuGet to download missing packages" and "Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio" checked. Furthermore, the path is Nuget.Config to all the packages is valid.

When I try to do "Restore Nuget Packages" on the solution, it says "All packages are already installed and there is nothing to restore. There is no framework version issues either.

I have tried the following:

  • Uninstalled Visual studio and reinstalling it.
  • Clean solution, restore package and Rebuild the project
  • Reinstalled all the Nuget packages by using update-package PackageName "" -reinstall

Screenshot of Error List

1) First , you should make sure that your VS has installed the related Net Framework SDK. If the git project targets to Net Framework 4.8, you should install the Net Framework 4.8 Developr SDK on your current PC.

2) Second , when you finish it, close VS, delete .vs hidden folder under the solution folder, bin and obj folder of the project.

3) Third , restart your project under then run update-package -reinstall under Tools --> Nuget Package Manager --> Package Manager Console

Update 1

The issue is that the the hintpath of the nuget package from csproj file is not right. After changing the hintpath to the right ones under the PC, all works well.

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