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PDFBOX acroForm filled but when opened in Acrobat reader values disappears

I have PDF form, I am trying to fill it with PDFBOX. It works, form is filled and I open with other reader or browser, I can see values, however When I tries to open in Adobe Reader values disappears, I tried every possible way to find out why But values, are not visible.

I have template form, that I use and fill data, rename fields, and merge it into other document, and redo that process until all forms are filled up.

I am not sure if this related to my code or Adobe reader.

Link to PDF form I need to fill

here is my code to populate form.

abstract class AbstractPDFFormFiller<T> {

    private val logger = LogManager.getLogger()
    private val merge = PDFMergerUtility()

    private val PAGE_SIZE = 12

    fun fillForm(templatePath: String, data: List<T>, headerParam: Map<String, String>): PDDocument {
        val chunks = getDataChunks(data)
        val totalPages = chunks.size

        if (totalPages == 1) {
            val sourceDocument = getTemplate(templatePath)
            val form = sourceDocument.documentCatalog.acroForm
            fillHeader(form, headerParam, totalPages, totalPages, data)
            fillData(form, data, totalPages)
            return sourceDocument
        } else {
            val resultDocument = PDDocument()
            chunks.forEachIndexed { currentPage, it ->
                val sourceDocument = getTemplate(templatePath)
                val form = sourceDocument.documentCatalog.acroForm
                fillHeader(form, headerParam, currentPage, totalPages, it)
                fillData(form, it, currentPage)
//                mergePDFForm(resultDocument, sourceDocument)
            return resultDocument

    fun mergeFromDisk(folderPath:File, resultDoc:PDDocument){
        folderPath.listFiles()?.forEach {
            mergePDFForm(resultDoc, PDDocument.load(it))

    private fun mergePDFForm(destination: PDDocument, source: PDDocument) {
        try {
            merge.acroFormMergeMode = PDFMergerUtility.AcroFormMergeMode.JOIN_FORM_FIELDS_MODE
            merge.appendDocument(destination, source)
        } catch (e: Exception) {

    fun getTemplate(templatePath: String): PDDocument {
        val s = javaClass.classLoader?.getResource(templatePath)?.openStream()
        return PDDocument.load(s)

    private fun getDataChunks(data: List<T>): List<List<T>> {
        return data.chunked(PAGE_SIZE)

    fun setValue(
        form: PDAcroForm,
        fullyQualifiedName: String,
        value: String,
        rename: Boolean = false,
        reNameTo: String?
    ) {
        val field = form.getField(fullyQualifiedName)
        if (rename)
                form = form,
                fullyQualifiedName = fullyQualifiedName,
                newName = "${field.fullyQualifiedName}_$reNameTo"

    fun renameField(form: PDAcroForm, fullyQualifiedName: String, newName: String) {
        val field = form.getField(fullyQualifiedName)
            ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Field with $fullyQualifiedName not found")
        if (field.actions != null && field.actions.f != null) field.actions.f = null
        try {
            field.partialName = newName
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            logger.fatal("Cannot rename to PDF form name {} to new name {}", fullyQualifiedName, newName)

    abstract fun fillHeader(
        form: PDAcroForm,
        map: Map<String, String>,
        currentPage: Int,
        totalPage: Int,
        data: List<T>

    abstract fun fillData(form: PDAcroForm, data: List<T>, currentPage: Int)

class DiversionDataFormFiller : AbstractPDFFormFiller<DiversionData>() {
    private val logger = LogManager.getLogger()

    override fun fillHeader(
        form: PDAcroForm,
        map: Map<String, String>,
        currentPage: Int,
        totalPage: Int,
        data: List<DiversionData>
    ) {
        form.getField("Product Type").setValue(map["Product Type"])
        form.getField("Type of Schedule").setValue(map["Type of Schedule"])
        form.getField("LA Revenue Account Number").setValue(map["LA Revenue Account Number"])
        form.getField("Company Name").setValue(map["Company Name"])
        form.getField("Filling Period").setValue(map["Filling Period"])
        form.getField("Page").setValue((currentPage + 1).toString())
        renameField(form, "Product Type", "Product Type_$currentPage")
        renameField(form, "Type of Schedule", "Type of Schedule_$currentPage")
        renameField(form, "LA Revenue Account Number", "LA Revenue Account Number_$currentPage")
        renameField(form, "Company Name", "Company Name_$currentPage")
        renameField(form, "Filling Period", "Filling Period_$currentPage")
        renameField(form, "Total", "Total_$currentPage")
        renameField(form, "Page", "Page_$currentPage")
        renameField(form, "of", "of_$currentPage")

    override fun fillData(form: PDAcroForm, data: List<DiversionData>, currentPage: Int) {
        val fieldTree = form.fieldTree
        data.forEachIndexed { i, element ->
            fieldTree.forEach {
                if (it.fieldType == "Tx") {
                    try {
                        if (it.fullyQualifiedName.startsWith("Date") && it.partialName == i.toString()) {
                                "renaming {} to {}, {}",
/*                            it.setValue(Util.dateToStr(element.date, "MM/dd/yy"))
                            renameField(form, it.fullyQualifiedName, "${it.partialName}_$currentPage")*/
                                Util.dateToStr(element.date, "MM/dd/yy"),
                        } else if (it.fullyQualifiedName.startsWith("Name2") && it.partialName == i.toString()
                        ) {
                            renameField(form, it.fullyQualifiedName, "${it.fullyQualifiedName}_$currentPage")
                        } else if (it.fullyQualifiedName.startsWith("Name") && it.partialName == i.toString()
                        ) {
                            renameField(form, it.fullyQualifiedName, "${it.fullyQualifiedName}_$currentPage")
                        } else if (it.fullyQualifiedName.startsWith("Diversion Number") && it.partialName == i.toString()
                        ) {
                            renameField(form, it.fullyQualifiedName, "${it.fullyQualifiedName}_$currentPage")
                        } else if (it.fullyQualifiedName.startsWith("FEIN2") && it.partialName == i.toString()
                        ) {
                            renameField(form, it.fullyQualifiedName, "${it.fullyQualifiedName}_$currentPage")
                        } else if (it.fullyQualifiedName.startsWith("FEIN") && it.partialName == i.toString()
                        ) {
                            renameField(form, it.fullyQualifiedName, "${it.fullyQualifiedName}_$currentPage")
                        } else if (it.fullyQualifiedName.startsWith("Mode") && it.partialName == i.toString()
                        ) {
                            renameField(form, it.fullyQualifiedName, "${it.fullyQualifiedName}_$currentPage")
                        } else if (it.fullyQualifiedName.startsWith("Manifest") && it.partialName == i.toString()
                        ) {
                            renameField(form, it.fullyQualifiedName, "${it.fullyQualifiedName}_$currentPage")
                        } else if (it.fullyQualifiedName.startsWith("Doc. Number") && it.partialName == i.toString()
                        ) {
                            renameField(form, it.fullyQualifiedName, "${it.fullyQualifiedName}_$currentPage")
                        } else if (it.fullyQualifiedName.startsWith("Net gallons") && it.partialName == i.toString()
                        ) {
                            renameField(form, it.fullyQualifiedName, "${it.fullyQualifiedName}_$currentPage")
                        } else if (it.fullyQualifiedName.startsWith("New") && it.partialName == i.toString()
                        ) {
                            renameField(form, it.fullyQualifiedName, "${it.fullyQualifiedName}_$currentPage")
                    } catch (ex: IOException) {

Data class defination

data class DiversionData(
    val terminalIRSCode: String,
    val fuelType: String,
    val supplierTaxPayerNumber: String,
    val shipperTaxPayerNumber: String,
    val quantity: Double,
    val originalDestination: String,
    val revisedDestination: String,
    val importNumber: String?,
    val date: LocalDate,
    val billOfLading: String,

test to fill the form

    public void fillFormUsingNewKotlinClass() throws IOException {
        List<DiversionData> diversionData = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            DiversionData d = new DiversionData(
                "terminal_Code" + i,
                "Regular" + i,
                "Supplier tax" + i,
                "shipper tax" + i,
                1000 + i,
                "0000" + i,
                "123456" + i
        String path = "templates/taxFormsPDF/LA/5402(7_06)F.pdf";
        DiversionDataFormFiller filler = new DiversionDataFormFiller();
        Map<String, String> param = new HashMap<>();
        param.put("Product Type","065");
        param.put("Type of Schedule","22");
        param.put("LA Revenue Account Number","3264660001");
        param.put("Company Name","Test CO.");
        param.put("Filling Period","2020-12");
        PDDocument document =  filler.fillForm(path,diversionData,param);
        document.save(new File("C:\\Users\\Documents\\Downloads\\testpdf.pdf"));

The page /AA/O entry ("An action that shall be performed when the page is opened") has this:

if (!bReset)
    bReset = true;

So the form is reset.

This happens even if the form is filled manually and saved, closed and reopened. Maybe this is a demo version of "formupack" that does this on purpose.

You could prevent this by removing the page /AA entry like this


or just remove the /O entry


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