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Starting container process caused: exec: “powershell”: executable file not found in $PATH: unknown

I'm trying to containerize my .net core 3.1 service into linux Docker container. This service works with a SQL Server database, so I have a docker-compose as follows:

version: "3.5"

            context: ../../
            dockerfile: local_deploy/back/docker
        container_name: api
        restart: always
          - ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development
          - db-server
          - "7000:80"
          - localdev

        image: microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-latest
        container_name: db-server
          - ACCEPT_EULA=Y
          - MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=1234
          - MSSQL_TCP_PORT=1433
          - "1400:1433"
          - localdev

    name: localdev

To run this docker-compose I have a up.bat file into local_deploy/back directory inside the root folder of the solution:

@echo off

echo Starting build
rd ..\..\out /s /Q
dotnet restore ../../MySimpleService.sln -s http://nexus.tools.example.com/nuget-v2/ -s https://nexus.eas.example.com/repository/nuget-hosted/
dotnet publish ../../MySimpleService.sln -c Release --force -o ../../out - /property:Version=1.0.0 /p:ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development

echo Starting containers
docker-compose up --build -d

And, finally, here is a docker file:

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1
COPY out ./
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MySimpleService.dll"]

All these three files are into local_deploy/back directory.

When I run up command in cmd , container is successfully built.

The problem is that the service also uses NATS as a message broker so it is down inside of a container because it can't establish connection with NATS.

To install and use NATS on my local machine I have to install a msi file prepared by our team. After installing this msi on my machine, I can run MySimpleService successfully locally.

So, my guess, to run this service into container I should also install this msi into container. I tried to edit my docker file:

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1

SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]

COPY out ./

RUN (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://nexus.eas.example.com/repository/mars-nats-streaming-business/NatsStreaming_2.1.4-alpha386.msi', 'c:\tools\NatsStreaming_2.1.4-alpha386.msi') ;\
    Start-Process 'msiexec' -ArgumentList '/i c:\tools\NatsStreaming_2.1.4-alpha386.msi /quiet /qn /norestart /log c:\tools\installNatsStreaming.log'; \
    Start-Sleep -s 30 ;\
    Remove-Item c:\tools\*.msi -force

ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MySimpleService.dll"]

But I get an error:

Service 'back' failed to build: OCI runtime create failed:
container_linux.go:370: starting container process caused: exec:
"powershell": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown

Now my guess is that I should install a powershell into container.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

I would say that your guess ( Now my guess is that I should install a powershell into container. ) is correct, yes:)

I had a similar problem and opted to replace the PowerShell command by a shell command, which ensures compatibility.

However, if you cannot replace your PowerShell command by a suitable shell, then, you may use the PowerShell in Docker, following the documentation .

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