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DDEV Integration Zendguard Loader

I'm using DDEV in an older OXID Esales Project (4.6). Now I have to install the Zendguard Loader . How can I do that? I have to put the.so file into the php direction inside the container and extend the php.ini. I asked earlier about the Ioncube loader and that works fine with DDEV-Local. But I don't know how to integrate the zendguard loeader? Can someone help me?

  1. Download the Zendguard Loader from their website . (Linux, 64-bit, PHP5.6)
  2. Place the tarball in your project's.ddev/web-build/ directory
  3. Add this Dockerfile as.ddev/web-build/Dockerfile:
ADD zend-loader-php5.6-linux-x86_64_update1.tar.gz /etc/php/5.6
RUN echo "zend_extension=/etc/php/5.6/zend-loader-php5.6-linux-x86_64/ZendGuardLoader.so" >>/etc/php/5.6/mods-available/zendguardloader.ini
RUN phpenmod zendguardloader
  1. ddev start .
  2. ddev exec php --version will show you that it's active
  3. Read the README.txt provided in the tarball and follow instructions as needed.

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