cost 107 ms
Oxidshop - Get a product url

I am working on Oxidshop tpl files and want to know how can I get a url for a particular product so that I can create an anchor tag linking to the pro ...

2022-04-14 10:04:15   1   16    oxid  
Phpstan Class_parent not found

I am trying to get static PHP code analysis to work on my OXID 6 eshop. I am, however, hitting a brick wall when it comes to this: When I run vendor ...

2020-07-22 15:54:24   2   292    oxid / phpstan  
Oxidshop - Custom field on basket page

I am customising an instance of oxidshop installed on my local machine. I want to add a text field on first step of basket page. The field will save t ...

2018-09-26 03:35:37   1   35    oxid  
OXID: Too many redirects in frontend

I can access the backend normally, but if i open the frontend it redirects me with this GET parameters index.php?cl=oxstart&execerror=unlicens ...

2017-08-30 11:20:57   2   105    php / oxid  

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