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Jekyll/Liquid mergin a page with extra data from _data

I'm trying to merge a page with extra data.

There is now output if I do it the following way.

{% assign extra = site.data.extra | where_exp: "search", "search.stg_kurz == page.stg_kurz" %}
  {{ extra.teaser | markdownify }}

But if I do it that way, there is an output, but why?

{% assign extras = site.data.extra | where_exp: "search", "search.stg_kurz == page.stg_kurz" %}
  {{ extras.teaser | markdownify }}
  {% for extra in extras %}
    {{ extra.teaser | markdownify }}
  {% endfor %}

There is always only one dataset, that matches the page.variable

Can anyone help or has some tips?


My own solution looks like

{% assign stg = site.data.3478_fachrichtung | where_exp: "search", "search.stg_kurz == page.stg_kurz" %}
  {% assign extras = site.data.extra | where_exp: "search", "search.stg_kurz == page.stg_kurz" %}
  {% assign extra = stg | concat: extras %}

Not perfekt, but it works for me.

site.data.3478_fachrichtung is the page.data

Has anyone a better solution?

{% assign extra = site.data.extra | where_exp: .... %} {% assign extra = site.data.extra | where_exp: .... %} returns an array containing (normally) one element. You just have to grab it with first array filter before printing it.

{% assign extras = site.data.extra | where_exp: "search", "search.stg_kurz == page.stg_kurz" %}
{% assign extra = extras.first %}
{{ extra.teaser | markdownify }}

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