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GoogleSheets Conditional Format based on formula in the current Cell

I have tried the following as the Conditional Formatting Custom Formula: Where B2 is the current cell:


the formula in B2 is A2*$B$1 in B3 is A3*$B$1 etc. - but some cells do not reference B1

If I paste this into a cell/range in column C:


then it correctly returns true or false depending on the formula in the adjoining cell.

However when applied as a conditional format it is not changing the format of cell B2

I also want this formula to apply to a range of cells - but it seems to apply the identical formula COUNT(FIND("$B$1",FormulaText(B2)))>=1 to each cell and not change B2 to B3, B4, B5 etc.

Thank you you to @kirkg - this is resolved simply by applying the format to a range in both columns A&B: Here is his sample sheet... docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/… – kirkg13

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