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Conditional format formula for row colour based on date, but to ignore if other cell contains certain text

I have a Google sheet that I want to apply conditional formatting, the formula I have now doesn't seem to work as it still highlights rows that I want to ignore.

I have about 15 columns of data but only want to focus on columns B,C,DB Order status C Date ordered D Ship by date

Originally, I was trying to only highlight rows that are overdue. So that if the date in D cell is today onward it would make the row red, but, to ignore this rule if the status in B cell is 'fulfilled'.

This formula ( I had someone do for me ) kept giving random results =IF(AND($D1 > TODAY(),$B1 <> "FULFILLED"),TRUE,FALSE)

I would also like to add 2 other conditions to colour grade rows.

-To mark the rows as green from order date up to 3 days before the due date

-To mark the rows as orange 3 days before and up until the due date.

So that orders that have not been fulfilled will go from green to orange to red.

If unclear, I can provide more information.




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