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How to Filter rds Instances by Tag Value that is Date Validator with Lambda Function with Boto3

My Python knowledge is not good --> I am trying to stop rds instances that have the tag Key=ttl and Value = older than today (<today's date). My code does show to have run successfully but the results are not as wanted. I would like to get printed stopInstances or No rds instances to shutdown. . Does anyone know how to fix this? Log: 在此处输入图像描述


import boto3
import time
from datetime import datetime
# Example RDS Instance tags: 

#define boto3 the connection
rds = boto3.client('rds')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    print ("Check RDS's tags")
     # Get current time in format yyyy-mm-dd
current_time = datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

     # Search all the instances which contains ttl filter 
instances = rds.describe_db_instances()

stopInstances = []   
# startInstances = []   

     # Locate all instances that are tagged ttl.
for instance in instances["DBInstances"]:
         tags = rds.list_tags_for_resource(ResourceName=instance["DBInstanceArn"])
         for tag in tags["TagList"]:

             if tag['Key'] == 'ttl':

                 if tag['Value'] < current_time:



     # shut down all instances tagged to stop. 
if len(stopInstances) > 0:
         # perform the shutdown
      print ("stopInstances")
      print ("No rds instances to shutdown.")

I just had to change my tags, and the sign of the validator ( if tag['Value'] < current_time: ). Once this is fixed, the code is working fine.

import boto3
import time
from datetime import datetime
# Example RDS Instance tags: 

#define boto3 the connection
rds = boto3.client('rds')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    print ("Check RDS's tags")
     # Get current time in format yyyy-mm-dd
current_time = datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

     # Search all the instances which contains ttl filter 
instances = rds.describe_db_instances()

stopInstances = []   
# startInstances = []   

     # Locate all instances that are tagged ttl.
for instance in instances["DBInstances"]:
         tags = rds.list_tags_for_resource(ResourceName=instance["DBInstanceArn"])
         for tag in tags["TagList"]:

             if tag['Key'] == 'ttl':

                 if tag['Value'] < current_time:



     # shut down all instances tagged to stop. 
if len(stopInstances) > 0:
         # perform the shutdown
      print ("stopInstances")
      print ("No rds instances to shutdown.")

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