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Creating a Pydantic model dynamically from a Python dataclass

I'd like to dynamically create a Pydantic model from a dataclass, similar to how you can dynamically create a Marshmallow schema from a dataclass as in marshmallow-dataclass or https://stevenloria.com/dynamic-schemas-in-marshmallow/ . Is there already a library or easy way to do this?

Some background - I prefer using a dataclass in my business logic rather than using the Pydantic model directly. I use the Pydantic model for serializing/deserializing data with camel-cased fields within my FastAPI app only. However, I find myself basically duplicating the dataclass definition which isn't efficient.

Sample Input:

from typing import List

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Item:
    id: int = None
    stuff: str = None
    height: float = None

class Bag:
    id: int = None
    name: str = None
    things: List[Item] = None

class Basket:
    id: int = None
    recipient: str = None
    bags: List[Bag] = None
    best_item: Item = None

Desired output:

from typing import List

from pydantic.main import BaseModel

def camel_case_converter(value: str):
    parts = value.lower().split('_')
    return parts[0] + ''.join(i.title() for i in parts[1:])

class CamelBaseModel(BaseModel):
    class Config:
        alias_generator = camel_case_converter

class Item(CamelBaseModel):
    id: int = None
    stuff: str = None
    height: float = None

class Bag(CamelBaseModel):
    id: int = None
    name: str = None
    things: List[Item] = None

class Basket(CamelBaseModel):
    id: int = None
    recipient: str = None
    bags: List[Bag] = None
    best_item: Item = None

Maybe something like this? (from https://github.com/samuelcolvin/pydantic/issues/1967#issuecomment-742698281 )

from typing import Type

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass as pydantic_dataclass
from typing import List

from dataclasses import dataclass

def model_from_dataclass(kls: 'StdlibDataclass') -> Type[BaseModel]:
    """Converts a stdlib dataclass to a pydantic BaseModel"""
    return pydantic_dataclass(kls).__pydantic_model__

class Item:
    id: int = None
    stuff: str = None
    height: float = None

ItemBaseModel = model_from_dataclass(Item)

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