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Can anyone help me with this issue of retrieving data from Firebase using swift on Xcode? “Editor placeholder in source file”

So basically I have been having an issue with an error that keeps popping up in my code when I try to get documents from Firestore. Im not really sure why, can someone please clarify it to me. I am trying to use the structure of Log and to capture the different fields in a document. After this, I want add it to an array of Logs so that I can then present in my view.

My code:

import Foundation
import Firebase

This is the Log structure which I wanted to use to model my data:

struct Log {

// MARK: - Properties

var date : Date

var leftUO  : Bool
var leftUI  : Bool
var leftLI  : Bool
var leftLO  : Bool

var rightUO : Bool
var rightUI : Bool
var rightLI : Bool
var rightLO : Bool


And this is the way I wanted to retrieve the data from firebase and store it locally.

struct LogsModel {
    let storage = Firestore.firestore()
    func retrieveLogs(uid: String, user : String) -> [Log] {
        var logs : [Log] = []
        storage.collection("/LOGS" + user + uid).getDocuments { (snapshot, error) in
            guard let documents = snapshot?.documents else {
                print(error?.localizedDescription  ?? "Documents not retrived")
            for document in documents {
                let date     = document.get(Constants.FirebaseConstants.DATE)
                let fieldLLI = document.get(Constants.FirebaseConstants.LEFTLOWERINNER)
                let fieldLLO = document.get(Constants.FirebaseConstants.LEFTLOWEROUTER)
                let fieldLUO = document.get(Constants.FirebaseConstants.LEFTLOWEROUTER)
                let fieldLUI = document.get(Constants.FirebaseConstants.LEFTUPPERINNER)
                let fieldRLI = document.get(Constants.FirebaseConstants.RIGHTLOWERINNER)
                let fieldRLO = document.get(Constants.FirebaseConstants.RIGHTLOWEROUTER)
                let fieldRUO = document.get(Constants.FirebaseConstants.RIGHTUPPEROUTER)
                let fieldRUI = document.get(Constants.FirebaseConstants.RIGHTUPPERINNER)
                let log = Log(date: date as! Date,
                              leftUO: fieldLUO as! Bool,
                              leftUI: fieldLUI as! Bool,
                              leftLI: fieldLLI as! Bool,
                              leftLO: fieldLLO as! Bool,
                              rightUO: fieldRUO as! Bool,
                              rightUI: fieldRUI as! Bool,
                              rightLI: fieldRLI as! Bool,
                              rightLO: fieldRLO as! Bool)
                // TODO - extract document into Log struct and add that to logs array
                logs += [log]
        return logs

I hope I clarified my issue enough. Thanks in advance for your help I really appreciate it

Posting this as a community wiki since it's based on @Aheze's comments:

The error that you are getting Editor placeholder in source file , means that there is a placeholder somewhere in your code, which will be indicated by a grey or blue block and will need to be replaced by something of that value.

Here is an example of a placeholder in the code

Also, make sure to do a project clean before running it again as this can also be getting triggered by Xcode for no reason at all.

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