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Facebook Graph API test user missing email

For my Android unit tests, I use the Facebook Graph API to create test-users and then I log in Facebook with email and password.

Since 2021-02-26 , I don't get the test-user's email when I create one with the Facebook API. For example:

POST APP_ID/accounts/test-users


  "id": "USER_ID",
  "access_token": "SUPER_LONG_ACCESS_TOKEN",
  "login_url": "LOGIN_URL",
  "password": "USER_PASSWORD"

So the email is missing now, when I check my user with:

GET /USER_ID (and user's access token)


  "id": "USER_ID"

I checked and my user's have the "email" permission, I also tried my get with "fields=email" but it never returns the email anymore.

So how to get test-user's email from graph API,as before?

It appear that it is working now (April 2021), the facebook account is created with an email so my tests are running correctly now.

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