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Cypress how to temporarily escape from a cy.within()

I am working to write auto tester code on cypress. As web app is vue.js project, page consists of component in src. So in cypress, I decide to scope all subsequent commands to within component root instead of document root(html). So that cy.get or cy.find will query within component root dom.

But I often need to query some elements outside current scoped component. for example: when I have custom select that renders dropdown outside component, in cypress, inside cy.within there is no way to select dropdown option because it is rendered outside component root.

So I tried to escape scope temporarily to select dropdown and then come back into scope again for next commands.

 cy.get(".account-mortgage-component form").within(() => { cy.get("input[name='postcode']").type("ng2 6dg").blur(); // click input.select-address to open dropdown cy.get("input.select-address").click(); // then dropdown is rendered outside.account-mortgage-component. so next command can not work cy.get(".select-address-dropdown").contains("3 Carnarvon Road, West Bridgford").click(); // I hope to escape current scope, so make above code to work. after this I should come back to scope again for next commands. cy.root().submit(); });
 <div class="account-mortgage-component"> <form> <input name="postcode" /> <div class="custom-select"> <input class="select-address" /> </div> </form> <div> <div class="select-address-dropdown"> <ul> <li>3 Carnarvon Road, West Bridgford</li> <li>5 Carnarvon Road, West Bridgford</li> <li>6 Carnarvon Road, West Bridgford</li> </ul> </div>

As my web project is big scaled already, in cypress I should scope most commands using cy.within. Any solution will be help.

cy.document().its('body') will give you a subject that is outside the .within() , and it seems to go back to inner scope after (still within callback).

cy.get('body').find('div.without');  // checking this query first (outer scope)

cy.get('div.myform').within(() => {

  cy.contains('text within');                      // inner scope

  cy.document().its('body').find('div.without');   // outer scope

  cy.contains('text within');                      // inner scope

Tested with this html

  <div class="myform">
    <div>text within</div>
  <div class="without">text without</div>

Nested withins

You can nest .within() statements using the same breakout pattern,

  .within(() => {
    cy.contains('text within scope1');            // testing in scope1
      .within(() => {
        cy.contains('text within scope2');        // switch to scope2
    cy.contains('text within scope1');            // back to scope1

Tested with this html

  <div class="scope1">
    <div>text within scope1</div>
  <div class="scope2">
    <div>text within scope2</div>

 cy.get('body').find('div.without'); // checking this query first (outer scope) cy.get('div.myform').within(() => { cy.contains('text within'); // inner scope // This is very important. cy.wrap(Cypress.$('html')).find('div.without'); // outer scope cy.contains('text within'); // inner scope })
 <body> <div class="myform"> <div>text within</div> </div> <div class="without">text without</div> </body>

You could use an alias and then call it with the @ handle:

  cy.get(".account-mortgage-component form").within(() => {
    cy.get("input[name='postcode']").type("ng2 6dg").blur();
    // click input.select-address to open dropdown
    // Here you can reference the select alias:
    cy.get("@select-address-dropdown").contains("3 Carnarvon Road, West Bridgford").click();
    // I hope to escape current scope, so make above code to work. after this I should come back to scope again for next commands.

You can use cy.document() to yield the window.document object and then use within to scope all subsequent requests within your function to the document.

cy.get('[data-cy="subject"]').within(($subject) => {

  // Here cy commands are scoped within your subject

  cy.document().within(($document) => {

    // Now cy commands are scoped within the document


  // Here cy commands are again scoped within your subject


cy.document().its('body') didn't work for me for some reason, maybe due to retryability

Cypress 12:

Cypress.Commands.addQuery('escapeWithin', () => () => cy.$$('body'))


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