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In Chart.js, how do I hide certain axis labels from a stacked bar chart?

I'm developing a dashboard that will show charts with ticket counts. I'm using Chart.js to render the charts. Here's an example:


In the above screenshot, Blocker and Critical bars don't appear as they have a value of zero. However, Chart.js still renders a zero where they would be. I think this may confuse end users, so I'd like to hide it (while still showing that category in the legend).

The following passage from the bar chart documentation makes me think this is possible with _custom , but I haven't been able to get it working:

{x, y, _custom} where _custom is an optional object defining stacked bar properties: {start, end, barStart, barEnd, min, max}. start and end are the input values. Those two are repeated in barStart (closer to origin), barEnd (further from origin), min and max.

Does anyone know if this is possible?

For reference, here are my current config options:

        options: {
                scales: { // make this a stacked chart
                    xAxes: [{
                        stacked: true
                    yAxes: [{
                        stacked: true
                legend: {
                    labels: {
                        boxWidth: 20 // how wide boxes on legend are
                tooltips: { 
                    callbacks: {
                        footer: (tooltip_items, data) => { // add a total count to tooltips
                            let total = 0;
                            tooltip_items.forEach(element => total = total + parseInt(element.value));
                            return 'Total: ' + total;

My coworker figured it out. You just need to add this to the options array:

plugins: {
   datalabels: {
      display: function(context) {
         return context.dataset.data[context.dataIndex] > 0; // only return if greater than zero

Here's how it ends up looking:


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