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IntelliJ can't associate javadoc and sources for dependencies

I have noticed that my IntelliJ doesn't properly show javadoc/sources. I have downloaded them thru right click -> maven -> download sources and documentation. When I go to the directory where its supposed to be located, I find everything that I need:


The issue seems to be.lastUpdated part. When I look at my project dependencies I can see clearly that intelliJ looks for xxx-javadoc.jar instead of


How can I make sure that IntelliJ properly downloads and names javadoc/sources properly? I don't want to manually rename everything and then manually set javadoc/sources through IntelliJ interface.

I think this issue happened when I interrupted the download of sources/documentation

The .lastUpdated files are not the jar fails themselves, but a mechanism that Maven uses to track when it last updated a file. Ie, the file you should load in IntelliJ is the jar file, not the .lastUpdated file.

If an interrupted/corrupted update is causing issues, remove that fail along with its .lastUpdated file and download (synchronize in IntelliJ) it again.

Ok, I have searched around and problem was probably caused by interuption of download sources/documentation process. Using bat file:

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set last=?
for /f %%I in ('dir /s /b /o:n /a-d "*.lastUpdated"') do (
  if !last! NEQ %%~dpI ( 
    set last=%%~dpI
    echo !last!
    rd /s /q !last!
goto end

I managed to remove all the necessary files. Now downloading again. If this happens to you, use the above bat script if you are on windows.

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