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telescope-nvim & nvim-web-devicons: icons cut off in fuzzy finder

I've been using the telescope.nvim neovim plugin for a while. Recently I also installed the nvim-web-devicons plugin to better recognize filetypes when searching.

My problem is that the devicons look like this:
They are truncated/cut off on the right.


  • on Linux
  • using KDE Konsole as terminal app
  • using Fira Code Nerd Font 9pt

Use a monospaced font

Here's how it looks on FiraMono Nerd Font Mono (link to.otf font download on GitHub):

In KDE Konsole:

  1. Right click inside the terminal and click "Edit Current Profile"
  2. Go to the "Appearance" tab on the left, then change your font by clicking the "Choose..." button

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