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Fast shaping of multiprocessing return values in Python

I have a function with list valued return values that I'm multiprocessing in Python and I need to concatenate them to 1D lists at the end. The following is a sample code for demonstration:

import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
import random as rd

N = 4
L = list(range(0, N))

def F(x):
    a = []
    b = []
    for t in range(0,2):
    return a, b

pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count())
a,b = zip(*pool.map(F, L))


A = np.concatenate(a)
B = np.concatenate(b)

The output for illustration is:

(['a0', 'a0'], ['a0', 'a1'], ['a0', 'a2'], ['a0', 'a3'])
(['b0', 'b0'], ['b0', 'b1'], ['b0', 'b2'], ['b0', 'b3'])
['a0' 'a0' 'a0' 'a1' 'a0' 'a2' 'a0' 'a3']
['b0' 'b0' 'b0' 'b1' 'b0' 'b2' 'b0' 'b3']

The problem is that the list L that I'm processing is pretty huge and that the concatenations at the end take a huge amount of time which minimizes the advantage over serial processing considerably.

Is there some clever way to avoid the concatenation or alternatively a faster method to perform the concatenation? I've been fiddling with queues but this seems kind of very slow.

Note: This seems to be a similar question as Add result from multiprocessing into array .

If the desired output is an input suitable for creating a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix , I would take a very different approach: Don't return anything, just create shared objects that can be modified directly.

What you need to create a coo_matrix is an array of the data values, an array of the data rows, and an array of the data columns (unless you already have another sparse matrix / dense matrix). I would create 3 shared arrays that each process can dump results directly into using the index of each entry from L . This even allows out of order execution, so you can use imap_unordered instead for better speed:

from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import RawArray
from random import random, randint # bogus data for testing
import numpy as np

from ctypes import c_int, c_float
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

#pool worker globals are only global to that process
worker_globals = {}

def init_worker(data_array, row_array, col_array):
    worker_globals['data'] = np.frombuffer(data_array, dtype=c_float)
    worker_globals['row'] = np.frombuffer(row_array, dtype=c_int)
    worker_globals['col'] = np.frombuffer(col_array, dtype=c_int)

def worker_func(tup):
    i, x = tup #enumerate returns a tuple with the index then the value
    #don't bother with mutexes because we only ever write to array[i] once from a single process
    worker_globals['data'][i] = random() #calculate your data, row, and column, and write back to the shared arrays
    worker_globals['row'][i] = x
    worker_globals['col'][i] = randint(0,1000)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    L = list(range(100, 0, -1)) #some data in L
    data_array = RawArray(c_float, len(L))
    row_array = RawArray(c_int, len(L))
    col_array = RawArray(c_int, len(L))
    with Pool(initializer=init_worker, initargs=(data_array, row_array, col_array)) as p:
        for _ in p.imap_unordered(worker_func, enumerate(L)):
    d = np.frombuffer(data_array, dtype=c_float)
    r = np.frombuffer(row_array, dtype=c_int)
    c = np.frombuffer(col_array, dtype=c_int)
    mat = coo_matrix((d, (r, c)), shape=(1000, 1000))

By the way: You should also absolutely always be using if __name__ == "__main__": when using multiprocessing. It is suggested everywhere, and required on windows.

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