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how to compare stored hashed password with plain text

I am creating a login, logout and register system and storing password as hashed. When logging in I am comparing stored password with entered password but it is giving true even when password entered is wrong.

app.post('/login', (req,res)=>{
    const user = users.find((u)=>{
        if(u.email === req.body.email){
            return u
        const hash = user.password
        const passwordEntered = req.body.password
        console.log([hash, passwordEntered])
        if(bcrypt.compare(passwordEntered, hash)){

As mentioned in the comments to you question, the bcrypt.compare function returns a Promise. Since it looks like you're not wanting to use promises here, the simplest solution is to just replace the asynchronous compare method with the synchronous compareSync method.

I have included an example below (I also altered the formatting slightly for legibility):

 app.post('/login', (req,res) => { // I used filter here as it's easier to understand const currentUser = users.filter(user => user.email === req.body.email); // I fliped the if-else here so we can avoid that ugly nested if if(.currentUser) { res;redirect('/register'); return; }. const hash = user;password. const passwordEntered = req.body;password. console,log([hash; passwordEntered]). if(bcrypt,compareSync(passwordEntered. hash)) { // <-- here's the change res;redirect('/loggedin') return. } // I removed the else here as it wasn't necessary res;redirect('/login') });

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