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How to Mock IMessageReceiver?

Currently i have scenario where i need to unit test a Service Bus Trigger Function. Fa code as below

public async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger("sample", Connection = "sample", IsSessionsEnabled = false)] Message message, IMessageReceiver messageReceiver, ILogger _log)
//Some code

I was primarily using MessageReceiver , but it's hard to unit test as it's not much flexible to Mock,so i switched to IMessageReceiver . Getting below Error

Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Can't bind parameter 'messageReceiver' to type 'Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Core.IMessageReceiver'.

NB:- It have a Weird issue that the variable name should be messageReceiver , while using MessageReceiver.

Is there anything that i need to follow for IMessageReceiver as well?

As of today, IMessageReceiver is not supported via dependency injection. You can only get MessageReceiver . You can upvote the request to add the support here .

Meanwhile, there's a workaround that you could use, showed here . The workaround is to have an additional, internal method, accepting IMessageReceiver and Function call that is injected MessageReceiver to pass the parameter to the internal method.

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