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Disabling a specific C# 9 source generator

Is there any way to disable a specific C# 9 source generator? Or alternatively disable them all?

the package in question is https://github.com/Husqvik/GraphQlClientGenerator#c-9-source-generator which is mean to be able to be used as both a lib and a source generator. but those are mutually exclusive, ie the majority of use cases it make no sense to gen code both by executing code and by code gen

seems this will disable all

<Target Name="DisableAnalyzers" 
    <Analyzer Remove="@(Analyzer)" />

removing a named one uses the file path

<Target Name="DisableAnalyzers"
    <Analyzer Remove="D:\nugets\nugetx\0.9.2\analyzers\dotnet\cs\NugetXAnalizer.dll" />

ok and finally u can remove based on filename

<Target Name="DisableAnalyzers"
    <Analyzer Remove="@(Analyzer)"
              Condition="'%(Filename)' == 'NugetXAnalizer'"/>

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