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What is going to replace the DataImportHandler in Solr 9.0?

The latest documentation (8.8) for Apache Solr says that the Data Import Handler is deprecated is going to be removed in future versions. It only lists a third-party plugin maintained on Github, and no other native alternative to import data from relational databases. Am I missing something or has Solr dropped native support for this?

Data import handler will still be there, but as a contrib package.

I'll do what I did before data import handler existed and write a separate program. I prefer Python, where reading a database and sending JSON updates is pretty simple.

Be sure to batch the updates.

Alternative solr DIH https://github.com/saro-lab/solr-db-importer

I made an alternative program to DIH and released the source code and manual.

I want to implement your solr-sb-importer But it seems stay stuck at running. I suspect the loading of the schema is not working http://localhost:8983/solr/succesboeken_sb/sb-schema I get: Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$NotFound: 404 Not Found: "

Searching for Solr?
You must type the correct path.
Solr will respond.


while excecuting: java -jar solr-db-importer-1.4.jar

I am using Solr 9.1.0

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