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Create destructured typescript type one level down

I'd like to destructure type one level down:

type Full = {
  firstLevel: {
    secondLevel: {
      value: string

type Desired = {
  secondLevel: {
    value: string

I've tried with

type Deconstruct<T,K extends keyof T> = {
  [P in T[K]]: T[K][P];

but it doesn't compile. Any ideas without extracting one level down type as separate?

Here are some different ways to achieve what you want: playground

type Full = {
  firstLevel: {
    secondLevel: {
      value: string;

// Manual
type DesiredA = Full['firstLevel'];

// Generic deconstruct type
type Deconstruct<T, K extends keyof T = keyof T> = T[K];

// Deconstruct every key
type DesiredB = Deconstruct<Full>;

// Deconstruct only one specific key
type DesiredC = Deconstruct<Full, 'firstLevel'>;

I've already created a solution (oh, it's the most complicated one from all answers:D)

type StripOneLevel<T, K extends keyof T> = {
    [P in keyof T[K]]: T[K][P];

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