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SAS Enterprise Guide - Export Temporary “WORK” table Into Multiple Worksheets in Same Workbook Based on Criteria

I've searched and searched, but I can't seem to find a solution.

I'm on 8.2 Update 4 ( (32-bit).

Can someone help me export a table into an Excel file with multiple sheets?

Example: Table contains a list of USA professional sports teams (with their city/nickname and league they are in). Each tab would be separated by league (NBA, MLB, NFL, NHL, MLS). How would I go about this?

I'd also like to add the current date to the output Excel file name. From what I've read, I can create a variable with the sysdate. Just not sure how to incorporate it in the code.

  • Each sheet name is to be based on a group.
    • In SAS we use the BY statement to specify the variable(s) that form a group -- in your case, it is the one variable league
  • The BY statement makes special tokens available during output, #BYVAR<n> and #BYVAL<n>
    • You want the value of the league to be important (sheet name) during output so #BYVAL1
  • ODS EXCEL sheet name construction is specified in the OPTIONS option. You can use the BY token in the option.
    • You want ODS EXCEL... OPTIONS (sheet_name="#BYVAL1")...;
  • A BY statement in output procedures produces an extra line <BYVAR>=<BYVAL> which would be noise in your Excel output.
    • Prevent the noise with OPTIONS NOBYLINE;


ods excel file='output.xlsx' options(sheet_name="#BYVAL1");

options nobyline;

proc print noobs data=sashelp.cars;
  by make;

ods excel close;




If you want the BY variable to appear in the PROC PRINT output use a VAR _ALL_; statement, or list the columns wanted explicity.

Adding the BY variable to the output will make things easier if you need to import and combine data that was edited in Excel, or if you are making various charts and such. In reality you might be better of producing a single worksheet with all the data and then using autofilter (which is an ODS EXCEL option) and Excel pivot tables/charts if you are doing other work in Excel. (Proc TABULATE and REPORT can do a very large subset of what pivot tables can do.)

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