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anaconda 3 base environment sets wrong PYTHONPATH

This afternoon I did a clean install of the OS in my Mac Mini, then downloaded the last release of Anaconda and installed it.
I did this many time, but never have I faced issues right from the start.

I tried simply importing some packages, like Pandas of Numpy , but got errors.
After some attempts to update pip , I realised that Python was looking in the wrong place!!
This is confirmed by printing sys.path .

So I open my .bash_profile and commented out the EXPORT PYTHONPATH=/opt/local/Library... line.
Unfortunately, this doesn't help.

Does anyone know how to fix the PYTHONPATH issue?
Should I just remove the lines which activate the base environment and create a clean new one?
Isn't there a way to simply fix the base environment?

Thanks for the support. Cheers


I solve this by commenting out also the line


in the .bash_profile file.

I'm don't really like it, because it doesn't feel as a clean solution, but it works.

Hopefully this might help someone else who encounters the same issue.

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