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best way or best-practices for learning OOP rules in c#

I found C# very interesting...but unfortunately (or fortunately ! ) it has many features to implement OOP rules....they have different machanisms and make me sometimes confused....

virtual, new,... modifiers in c# have different rules....so what is the best way or best-practices for learning OOP rules and use them easily...?

so what is the best way or best-practices for learning OOP rules and use them easily...?

The best way to learn is to keep things simple and practice (program) a lot. Regarding virtual/new/override, there are three main cases:

  1. Virtual + override - Use virtual in the base class and override in the derived class, as in:

     class BaseClass { public void virtual Test(){...} } class DerivedClass: BaseClass { public void override Test(){...} } 
  2. Abstract + override - This is a variant of the previous case where the base member does not define a body:

     abstract class BaseClass { public void abstract Test(){...} } class DerivedClass: BaseClass { public void override Test(){...} } 
  3. No modifier - This is useful when you don't plan on overriding a method:

     class BaseClass { public void Test(){...} } class DerivedClass: BaseClass { public void OtherMethod(){...} } 

    In the this case, there would be a warning if OtherMethod was named Test . Indeed, it would clash with the base method. You can get rid of the warning by adding a new modifier as in

     abstract class BaseClass { public void Test(){...} } class DerivedClass: BaseClass { public new void Test(){...} } 

    However, I would recommend avoiding the new modifier if possible since it is somewhat confusing.

Your best bet is to learn about OOP principles (encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism) from a fundamental source . And then worry about particular language implementations later. Once you really understand the fundamental concepts, the language specifics become easy to learn, apply and master.

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