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Laravel how to mock SoapClient response for custom validation rule

Having a custom validation rule that uses the SoapClient I now need to mock it in tests.

    public function passes( $attribute, $value ): bool
$value = str_replace( [ '.', ' ' ], '', $value );

        $country = strtoupper( substr( $value, 0, 2 ) );
        $vatNumber = substr( $value, 2 );
        $client = new SoapClient('https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/checkVatService.wsdl', [ 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1 ]);
        $response = $client->checkVat( [ 'countryCode' => $country, 'vatNumber' => $vatNumber ] );

        return $response->valid;

Used to uselaminas-soap package but it doesn't support PHP8. With laminas-soap it was possible to do

$this->mock( Client::class, function( $mock )
   $mock->shouldReceive( 'get' )->andReturn( new Response( true, 200 ) );
} );

But that doesn't work with SoapClient::class .

Then tried from Phpunit, mocking SoapClient is problematic (mock magic methods) but also failed:

$soapClientMock = $this->getMockFromWsdl('soapApiDescription.wsdl');

Tried from mock SoapClient response from local XML also failed:


My question is how can I mock a soap response for a custom validation rule that uses SoapClient ?

You can try something like this:

//First you need to pass the client in your parameters
public function passes($attribute, $value $client): bool

//Then with phpunit it's possible to do 
public function TestPasses() 
    //Replace myClasse with your real class wich contain the passes function
    $myClasse = new myClasse();
    $clientMock = $this
    $reponseMock  $this
            ->getMockBuilder(/*Here it should be the classe returned by the checkVat function*/::class)
            ->with([ 'countryCode' => /*Put the value you want here*/, 'vatNumber' => /*Put the value you want here*/ ])
            ->willReturn(true /*or false if you want*/);
   $result = $myClasse->passes(/*Put the value you want here*/, /*Put the value you want here*/, $clientMock);

   $this->assertEquals(true, $result);

Found this laravel soap package that provides a easy to use Soap::fake .

Such as:

Soap::fake(function ($request) {
    return Soap::response('Hello World', 200);

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