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How to disable dot emmet intellisense for JS files in VS Code

I want to use emmet in a Javascript file that contains JSX code but I don't want IntelliSense to suggest an emmet whenever I use the dot ( . ) operator.

For example, I don't want the .rap emmet suggestion to show up:


I tried these settings:

"emmet.showSuggestionsAsSnippets": true,
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "bottom",

However, I get another problem:


Replacing "editor.snippetSuggestions" from "bottom" to "inline" also doesn't help.

The way i use emmet is, I have set a hotkey for emmet exapansion as ctrl+e and use that to expand in js/ts files.

And set emmet's settings like that -

"emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation": "inMarkupAndStylesheetFilesOnly"

as, this will not show emmet abbreviation(intellisense) in other than css and html files, and thus don't clutter other intellisense in js and ts files.


To disable emmet (that 'dot snippet' in your screenshot is one of the things emmet does) in javascript/react files you could try adding this to your settings.json file:

"emmet.excludeLanguages": [

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