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How to set behaivor to bottom sheet dialog without adding to xml layout?

I want to show a BottomSheetDiyalogFragment dynamically with passing some parameters when a onClick event.

InfoBottomSheetDialogFragment dialog = InfoBottomSheetDialogFragment.newInstance("param1", "param2");
dialog.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "InfoBottomSheetDialogFragment");

Also, I want to set behaivor to the fragment.

BottomSheetBehavior infoBtSheetBehaivor = BottomSheetBehavior.from(findViewById(R.id.info_bottom_sheet));

When I include the fragment xml layout on main layout, how to reach it for passing parameters? Or, when I add the fragment programatically, how to set behaivor it? Interesting situation.

You can add BottomSheetDialogFragment dynamically and set behaivor when setupDialog like this:

In your InfoBottomSheetDialogFragment class:

// Delete onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) method for avoiding double inflating.
public void setupDialog(@NotNull Dialog dialog, int style) {
    super.setupDialog(dialog, style);

    View contentView = View.inflate(getContext(), R.layout.info_bottom_sheet, null);

    CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams params = (CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams) ((View) contentView.getParent()).getLayoutParams();
    CoordinatorLayout.Behavior behavior = params.getBehavior();

    if(behavior instanceof BottomSheetBehavior) {
        ((BottomSheetBehavior) behavior).setState(BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_HALF_EXPANDED);

Add dialog dynamically where you want and set parameters:

InfoBottomSheetDialogFragment dialog = InfoBottomSheetDialogFragment.newInstance("param1", "param2");
dialog.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "InfoBottomSheetDialogFragment");

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