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When I react-router to change the page, the rendering isn't work with React

I want make the new List page with news.json file that I made it.

As you see below, make the list with map at the same time I made the Link href with ${item.id}

item.is represent news1, news2, new3.. etc. and I made each new1.js, new2.js to link with it.

but when I did it it didn't show any body. I think there is problem for rendering.

I already have googled it and found stackoverflow posting, it said router need key.. something like that but still I don't get it.

how I change my code???

const NewWrap =()=>{
  const articleWrapper = news.map((item)=>{
      <Li key ={item.id}>
        <img src={item.img} alt="img"  style ={{width:"260px", height:"200px", padding:"1rem"}}/>
        **<Link to={`/${item.id}`}** style={{textDecoration:"none", color:"black"}}>
          <div style={{padding:"1rem", textAlign:"left", cursor:"pointer"}}>
            <p >{item.date}</p>

const News = () => {
  return (
        <Img src ="../img/bg_mian_01.png"/>
        <ImgText>News and Partners</ImgText>

        <Route path="/new1" component={New1}/>

export default News;

In the latest version of React Router (v6) you no longer use a Switch and you have to specify an element instead of a component.

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route, Link } from 'react-router-dom';

    <Route path="/new1" element={<New1 />} />

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