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How can i get the server owner name in discord.py

I use: await ctx.send(str(ctx.guild.owner.id)) or await ctx.send(ctx.guild.owner.id) but the bot say 'None'. How can i fix this

You'll need to get a discord.Member object instead of a string object. To do this, you can use the get_member function. Here is a simple function to output the server's owner to the channel:

async def owner_find(ctx):
    guild_owner = client.get_user(int(ctx.guild.owner.id))
    await ctx.send(f'The owner of this server is: {guild_owner}')

You need intents in order to get the member's info. Since ctx.guild.owner is discord.Member object. You need member intents.

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

intents= discord.Intents.default()
intents.members = True

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", intents=intents)

You also need to turn on intents from discord developer portal.

Reference (With guide on how to enable intents)

PS: Running command in DMs also returns None .

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