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How do I use an handlebars #each call for an object with arrays of objects?

So I have an object that's structured like this:

menu = {
  classic: [
    {p1: ..., p2: ...}, {p1: ..., p2: ...}
  classic2: : [
    {p1: ..., p2: ...}, {p1: ..., p2: ...}

An object where each value is an array of objects. How do I use an handlebars #each call to get to menu.classic[0].p1 , for example? Can I nest multiple #each calls to iterate over every array index in every object value?

Use nested {{#each}} blocks.

Here you will see both classic and classic2 rendered into <ul> s with corresponding p1 properties rendered into <li> s using this approach.

The first example builds the menus imagining p1 holds a URL and p2 holds the text for the link. That each goes into an <a> tag with in the <li> .

 let menu = { classic: [ {p1: 'URL1', p2: 'classic link1'}, {p1: 'URL2', p2: 'classic link2'} ], classic2: [ {p1: 'URL3', p2: 'classic2 link1'}, {p1: 'URL4', p2: 'classic2 link2'} ] }; const ul = ` <div> {{#each this}} <ul class="menu"> {{#each this}} <li><a href="{{this.p1}}">{{this.p2}}</a></li> {{/each}} </ul> {{/each}} </div>`; let template = Handlebars.compile(ul); console.log(template(menu));
 <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/handlebars@latest/dist/handlebars.js"></script>

In a table:

 let menu = { classic: [ {p1: 'classic test', p2: 'classic test'}, {p1: 'classic test', p2: 'classic test'} ], classic2: [ {p1: 'classic2 test', p2: 'classic2 test'}, {p1: 'classic2 test', p2: 'classic2 test'} ] }; const table = ` {{#each this}} <table> {{#each this}} <tr> {{#each this}} <td>{{this}}</td> {{/each}} </tr> {{/each}} </table> {{/each}}`; let template = Handlebars.compile(table); console.log(template(menu));
 <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/handlebars@latest/dist/handlebars.js"></script>

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