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JWT Authentication with Spring boot Withot using userDetail

I am implementing rest APIs for mobile App and want to use JWT token in that. I Have achieved this by implmenting it with userDetials object. Now my problem is I don't have a Users table in the database I just have a phone number and UUID. We can achieve this by changing the signature to use the phone number as a signature. But my question is how I will authenticate each request? And How I can validate the token using my own object which does not contains username and password. AS per my implementation I will have to se spring security and when I will use spring security. Spring Security will require UserDetail Service which will give me back spring User object. Any help will be appreciated.

You can override this by implementing user details here is an example for authentication by username and domain

public class SimpleUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService {

    // ...

    public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
        String usernameAndDomain = StringUtils.split(
          username, String.valueOf(Character.LINE_SEPARATOR));//split as much as you want
        if (usernameAndDomain == null || usernameAndDomain.length != 2) {
            throw new UsernameNotFoundException("Username and domain must be provided");
        User user = userRepository.findUser(usernameAndDomain[0], usernameAndDomain[1]);
        if (user == null) {
            throw new UsernameNotFoundException(
              String.format("Username not found for domain, username=%s, domain=%s", 
                usernameAndDomain[0], usernameAndDomain[1]));
        return user;

Based on my comment , you should create a custom user details service. The loadUserByUsername() method of your SimpleUserDetailsService class should return your custom user details.


public class Pojo {
    private String phoneNumber;
    private String uuid;

    // Getters Setters Constructors

Custom User Details

public class CustomUserDetails implements UserDetails {
    private String username;
    private String password;
    private List<GrantedAuthority> authorities;

    public CustomUserDetails(Pojo pojo) {
        this.username = pojo.getPhoneNumber();
        this.password = pojo.getUuid();

        authorities = new ArrayList<>();

    public Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities() {
        return authorityList;

    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

    public String getUsername() {
        return username;

    public boolean isAccountNonExpired() {
        return true;

    public boolean isAccountNonLocked() {
        return true;

    public boolean isCredentialsNonExpired() {
        return true;

    public boolean isEnabled() {
      return true;


User details service impl

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