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.htaccess redirect is showing absolute path of the 404.php file. How to avoid that?

I have main domain xyz.com and it's home folder is /home/username/public_html/

On the same server I also have subdomain sub.xyz.com and it's home folder is /home/username/public_html/subfolder/

I am creating a web site for subdomain and I'm trying to do some redirects using .htaccess file. I have placed 404.php file in subdomain's home directory. There is also .htaccess file for subdomain and.htpassword file too. For the purpose of this test I have renamed .htaccess file of the main domain and simplified version of my subdomain's .htaccess file looks like this:

ErrorDocument 404 /404.php
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^\. /404.php [R=404,L]

When I write non-existing filename eg sub.xyz.com/non.existing the address in browser stays the same and I'm presented with the content of 404.php file. Fine.

But when I write existing filename eg sub.xyz.com/.htpassword , the address in browser change to this: sub.xyz.com/home/username/public_html/subfolder/404.php thus revealing my directory structure.

Oddly enough same happens when I write non-existing filename sub.xyz.com/.htpasswords , but everything is OK for non-existing filenames sub.xyz.com/.htpasswor & sub.xyz.com/.htpassword1

What should I do so that behaviour would be the same for existing & non-existing files?

Address should stay the same equally for all cases or change to sub.xyz.com/404.php equally for all cases.

Since @arkascha choose not to gave straightforward answer but to hint what should be changed, I'm going to write it down. Now, when I knew where exactly is the problem I have found in Apache documentation on page RewriteRule Flags under "Forbidden" the answer to my question

This example uses the "-" syntax for the rewrite target, which means that the requested URI is not modified.

So the proper .htaccess part look like this:

ErrorDocument 404 /404.php
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^\. - [R=404,L]

So this way, URI stays the same and user is presented with the content of 404.php file, like I wanted.

Another important notice: example I have used is a bad one and I have moved file.htpassword bellow folder public_html, but it is useful for other files that you don't want to reveal their presence to malicious user

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