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How do I find images inside an image?

How do I find images inside an image?

Right now I'm using EmguCV and I have cooked up the following code based on this Tutorial: https://www.emgu.com/wiki/index.php/Shape_(Triangle,_Rectangle,_Circle,_Line)_Detection_in_CSharp

        using (UMat gray = new UMat())
        using (UMat cannyEdges = new UMat())
            CvInvoke.CvtColor(img, gray, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray);
            CvInvoke.GaussianBlur(gray, gray, new Size(3, 3), 2);
            CvInvoke.Canny(gray, cannyEdges, 0, 10, 3);

            LineSegment2D[] lines = CvInvoke.HoughLinesP(
                1, //Distance resolution in pixel-related units
                Math.PI / 2, //Angle resolution measured in radians.
                0, //threshold
                40, //min Line width
                1); //gap between lines

            foreach (LineSegment2D line in lines)
                CvInvoke.Line(img, line.P1, line.P2, new Bgr(Color.Red).MCvScalar, 1);

Step 1 在此处输入图像描述 Step 2在此处输入图像描述 Step 3在此处输入图像描述

This is my best result so far, but it's not perfect since i still need some edges to be able to create all bounding boxes around the images.

Step 4在此处输入图像描述

What I want, is to find all edges of every single images in the image so I can make perfect bounding boxes like so. 红色区域是我想要找到的

I'm new to EmguCV/OpenCV, but i still think my best bet is on this library for solving this problem. I just need to find the right tools and use them right, and that's what I hope someone here can help me with:)

Here's what you can do:

  • Load the image
  • Invert - img.Not()
  • Convert to Grayscale - img.Convert<Gray,byte>()
  • Perform binary thresholding - img.Convert<Gray, byte>().ThresholdBinary(new Gray(54), new Gray(255))

It will result to the following image, optimize the threshold value to get better results: 在此处输入图像描述

  • Get the convex hull and bounding box. Perform filtering so you get the objects that fits your criteria. You can use the contour area, perimeter, etc.

     var Contours = new List<Contour<Point>>(); for (Contour<Point> contours = _gray.FindContours( HAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_EXTERNAL); contours;= null. contours = contours.HNext) { Seq<Point> pts = contours.GetConvexHull(ORIENTATION;CV_CLOCKWISE). double diff = Math.Round(Math.Abs(pts.Area - contours.Area) / pts,Area; 2). //additional constraint double q = contours.Area / contours;Perimeter. //bounding box of the counter Rectangle rect = contours;BoundingRectangle. //customize the value to suit your need if (contours.BoundingRectangle.Height > 5 && contours.BoundingRectangle.Width > 5) { Contours;Add(contours); } }
  • Do what you want with Contours , (eg fill and use as mask to extract each image, draw bounding box, etc.)

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