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Open and bring new window to front when pressing NSMenuItem

I have a macOS menu application that is running as an agent (LSUIElement).

I need it to have a companion settings window. There is a "settings" NSMenuItem in the NSMenu, and the requirement is to open an actual window and bring it to the front when pressed.

The window is SwiftUI driven. Here's how it's working:

// main is an NSMenu
            withTitle: "Settings",
            action: #selector(AppDelegate.openSettings),
            keyEquivalent: "")
    @objc func openSettings() {
        let detailView = SettingsWindow(); // Swift UI view
        let controller = DetailWindowController(rootView: detailView) // See below
        controller.window?.title = "Settings";
        NSApp.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true)
class DetailWindowController<RootView : View>: NSWindowController {
    convenience init(rootView: RootView) {
        let hostingController = NSHostingController(rootView: rootView.frame(width: 400, height: 500))
        let window = NSWindow(contentViewController: hostingController)
        window.setContentSize(NSSize(width: 400, height: 500))
        self.init(window: window)

What actually happens

The current behaviour is that the window opens, however it's always behind whatever other windows are currently in the foreground.

I need it to be in the foreground.

NSApp.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true) in the code above is an attempt to achieve this, but that didn't work.

Any help would be amazing. Many thanks.

Figured it out in the end. I needed these 3. The activation policy should be better managed, but for what it's worth here's what works.

NSApp.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true)

In context

@objc func openSettings() {
    if(settingsWindow == nil) {
        let detailView = ActionWindow();
        settingsWindow = DetailWindowController(rootView: detailView)
        settingsWindow!.window?.title = "Cloud Brains - Settings";
    NSApp.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true)

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