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Connect to Cosmos using key from Key Vault

I have a Spring Boot application which needs to make use of CosmosDB. My goal is to load the CosmosDB connection key from Key Vault and use that to connect to CosmosDB. I have placed the key as a secret in Key Vault, but it seems that there is an ordering issue going on, as the Cosmos bean is created before the Key Vault. I am able to connect to successfully connect to Key Vault and have received several keys before this, and I am also able to connect to Cosmos if I hard code the connection key. Is it possible to load the key from Key Vault and use it to create the Cosmos bean?

What I have tried is the following, but I receive a connection error with Cosmos (due to the key being not set) - probably because it loads before the Key Vault. Is there a robust way to connect to Cosmos or any proper examples available for Spring boot?

Dependencies I am using:

azure-cosmosdb-spring-boot-starter (from com.microsoft.azure)
azure-identity (from com.azure)
azure-security-keyvault-secrets (from com.azure)

CosmosConfiguration.java class:

public class CosmosConfiguration extends AbstractCosmosConfiguration {
    private String key;

    public CosmosClient cosmosClient(CosmosDBConfig config) {
        return CosmosClient
            .cosmosKeyCredential(new CosmosKeyCredential(key))

The application.properties (only the relevant parts):





My idea on your case is add judgement when creating 'CosmosClient'. And here's my code.

private CosmosProperties properties;

public CosmosClientBuilder cosmosClientBuilder() {
            DirectConnectionConfig directConnectionConfig = DirectConnectionConfig.getDefaultConfig();
            String uri = properties.getUri();
            if(true) {
                String temp = getConnectUriFromKeyvault();
            return new CosmosClientBuilder()

public String getConnectUriFromKeyvault() {
        SecretClient secretClient = new SecretClientBuilder()
                .credential(new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build())
        KeyVaultSecret secret = secretClient.getSecret("cosmosdbScanWithwrongkey");
        return secret.getValue();

CosmosProperties entity:

import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "cosmos")
public class CosmosProperties {

    private String uri;

    private String key;

    private String secondaryKey;

    private boolean queryMetricsEnabled;
    //get set function


# Populate query metrics

I followed this doc to get key vault secret.

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