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Is it more efficient to declare helper functions outside the main function?

When I debug step by step this kind of function:

foo <- function(x) {
  helper <- function(x) x^2
  2 * helper(x)

I see that the helper function definition is evaluated each time. Is it the same, when no in debug mode? Is it bad in terms of time execution?

You can try it yourself. I didn't see much of a difference. inside or outside was faster on different runs when I tried it.


foo1 <- function(x) {
  helper <- function(x) x^2
  2 * helper(x)

helper <- function(x) x^2
foo2 <- function(x) {
  2 * helper(x)

  inside = foo1(1:1000),
  outside = foo2(1:1000),
  times = 1000

Based on @John Coleman comment I have tried this:


foo1 <- function(x) {
  helper <- function(x) {
    nested_helper <- function(y) {
      depper_helper <- function(z) {
        z + z
      3 * depper_helper(y)
    nested_helper(x) ^ 2
  2 * helper(x)

nested_helper <- function(y) {
  3 * depper_helper(y)
depper_helper <- function(z) {
  z + z
helper <- function(x) {
  nested_helper(x) ^ 2
foo2 <- function(x) {
  2 * helper(x)

  inside = foo1(1:1000),
  outside = foo2(1:1000),
  times = 1000000

I ran it two times and obtain the same results:

Unit: microseconds
    expr min  lq     mean median  uq     max neval
  inside 5.0 5.4 8.822796    5.8 8.5 50905.9 1e+06
 outside 4.9 5.2 8.559778    5.6 8.3 47797.3 1e+06

Inside definition seems a little bit slower but not in a significant way. There must be some kind of optimization by the JIT compiler. I would like confirmation of this.

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