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C++20, how to compile with Clang-10 or GCC11

I'm aware that C++20 is not fully supported (yet) by the compilers, but I really want to learn modules and other C++20 stuff. Modules are supported in GCC11 and Clang-8+. Compiler Support of C++20

I've installed Clang-10 on my Ubuntu, but it still gives me errors:

import <iostream>;
using namespace std;
int main(){
    cout << "Hello world";

What am I doing wrong?


clang++ -Wall -std=c++2a -stdlib=libc++ -fimplicit-modules -fimplicit-module-maps main.cpp -o main

clang++ -Wall -std=c++20 -stdlib=libc++ -fimplicit-modules -fimplicit-module-maps main.cpp -o main

ERROR: fatal error: 'iostream' file not found

Although c++20 adds modules the c++20 standard library doesn't expose any modules.

Microsoft have implemented some standard library modules which may or may not match a future c++ standard: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/modules-cpp?view=msvc-160#consume-the-c-standard-library-as-modules . With these your example would be:

import std.core;

using namespace std;
int main(){
    cout << "Hello world";

As far as I can see neither libc++ or libstdc++ have implemented any modules yet.

By default, gcc trunk use c++17, and clang trunk use c++14, so you have to say compiler, that you want to use c++20

If you are compiling your code in terminal by yourself, than add following flag


If you compile your code using Cmake, than add following to your CMakeLists.txt


And if you compile in some IDE(Codeblocks or Visual studio), than somewhere in compiler settings put supporting c++20

trunk means "the main line of development", so this compiler version should be latest officially supported

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