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Loading a dictionary of lists of lists in Unity with Firebase

So im saving my Dictionary like this:

public void saveData()

But if I want to load my dictionary it always returns null when I want to access anything. I load it like this:

    public void loadData()

    FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.GetReference("Users").GetValueAsync().ContinueWith(task => {
        if (task.IsFaulted)
            // Handle the error...
        else if (task.IsCompleted)
            var result = task.Result;

            var loadedDict = result.Value as Dictionary<string, List<List<string>>>;



I think what might be happening is that the var loadedDict = result.Value as Dictionary<string, List<List<string>>>; is not making the conversion rightaway.

I would check the following.

1.- That the data is being properly saved in the save stage, and stored in the database and confirm that in the question.

2.- Even the dictionary is null, check if the data returned from the task is null. Because the data might be being retrieved in the var result = task.Result;, but the conversion to the dictionary not working. I would also confirm that in the question if that is the case.

3.- If the data is actually being retrieved in stage 2, and what is not working is the conversion. As far as the documentation says, the values returned native types are:

bool , string , long , double , IDictionary{string, object} and List{object}

If you are receiving the data but the loadedDict is null, you will need to code the method that converts the IDictionary{string, object} to your Dictionary<string, List<List<string>>> with your info filled in.

I did not use firebase with unity, only in web projects, so I am not sure if this might by your problem, is just my guess. I'll be glad to check what you find out

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