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Get main element attributes of XML using LINQ

I need to retrieve the attributes of the main node, but my code is not printing anything.

<MAINNODE AONE="22 11 12" ATWO="444"><CHILDNODE Aone="7"/></MAINNODE>

This is the code:

var listItems = xdocument.Root
.Select(e => e.Attribute("AONE"))
.Select(a => a.Value.Split(' ').Select(s => XmlConvert.ToInt32(s)).ToList())
foreach (List<int> list in listItems)

I am able to get attributes of child nodes, but not of the main one. I am new to LINQ and XML.

If this is the whole XML, then Root is the main node and you can get its attributes through xdocument.Root.Attributes :

string[] listItems = xdocument.Root.Attribute("AONE").Value.Split();
int[] intItems = Array.ConvertAll(listItems, s => Int32.Parse(s));
foreach (int i in intItems) {

This will print


See also: Array.ConvertAll<TInput,TOutput>(TInput[], Converter<TInput,TOutput>) Method

Note: if you need a list, you can create one from the int[] intItems array

var list =  new List<int>(intItems);

or, instead of converting the string array to an int array first, directly do the conversion when calling the constructor:

var list = new List<int>(listItems.Select(s => Int32.Parse(s)));

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