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Google Sheets: Move a row of data to another sheet based on cell value

I am trying to move a row of data to another sheet based on cell value . I use this code that i found after researching on the Internet.

 * Moves row of data to another spreadsheet based on criteria in column 6 to sheet with same name as the value in column 4.
function onEdit(e) {
  // see Sheet event objects docs
  // https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/triggers/events#google_sheets_events
  var ss = e.source;
  var s = ss.getActiveSheet();
  var r = e.range;
  // to let you modify where the action and move columns are in the form responses sheet
  var actionCol = 6;
  var nameCol = 4;
  // Get the row and column of the active cell.
  var rowIndex = r.getRowIndex();
  var colIndex = r.getColumnIndex();
  // Get the number of columns in the active sheet.
  // -1 to drop our action/status column
  var colNumber = s.getLastColumn()-1;
  // if our action/status col is changed to ok do stuff
  if (e.value == "ok" && colIndex == actionCol) {
    // get our target sheet name - in this example we are using the priority column
    var targetSheet = s.getRange(rowIndex, nameCol).getValue();
    // if the sheet exists do more stuff
    if (ss.getSheetByName(targetSheet)) { 
      // set our target sheet and target range
      var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName(targetSheet);
      var targetRange = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow()+1, 1, 1, colNumber);
      // get our source range/row
      var sourceRange = s.getRange(rowIndex, 1, 1, colNumber);
      // new sheets says: 'Cannot cut from form data. Use copy instead.' 
      // ..but we can still delete the row after
      // or you might want to keep but note move e.g. r.setValue("moved");

This code works succesfully to transfer the row of data on a different tab in the same spreadsheet. But it doesnt work if i want to move that data to a diferrent spreadsheet. How can i edit that code to also works if i want to move that data row to a different spreadsheet?

I need some advice! Thanks!!


I created that trigger code:

function myFunction() {
function createSpreadsheetOpenTrigger() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();

So i run that with granded permissions

and then the second

 * Moves row of data to another spreadsheet based on criteria in column 6 to sheet with same name as the value in column 4.
function onEdit(e) {
  // see Sheet event objects docs
  // https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/triggers/events#google_sheets_events
  var ss = e.source;
  var s = ss.getActiveSheet();
  var r = e.range;
  // to let you modify where the action and move columns are in the form responses sheet
  var actionCol = 6;
  var nameCol = 4;
  // Get the row and column of the active cell.
  var rowIndex = r.getRowIndex();
  var colIndex = r.getColumnIndex();
  // Get the number of columns in the active sheet.
  // -1 to drop our action/status column
  var colNumber = s.getLastColumn()-1;
  // if our action/status col is changed to ok do stuff
  var targetss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1S8KcrvzjvRxrABXa7A3W7QcLsCyag7DAHnWXgBjiaMc");
  if (e.value == "ok" && colIndex == actionCol) {
    // get our target sheet name - in this example we are using the priority column
    var targetSheet = s.getRange(rowIndex, nameCol).getValue();
    // if the sheet exists do more stuff
    if (ss.getSheetByName(targetSheet)) { 
      // set our target sheet and target range
      var targetSheet = targetss.getSheetByName(targetSheet);
      var targetRange = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow()+1, 1, 1, colNumber);
      // get our source range/row
      var sourceRange = s.getRange(rowIndex, 1, 1, colNumber);
      // new sheets says: 'Cannot cut from form data. Use copy instead.' 
      var sourceData = sourceRange.getValues();
      // ..but we can still delete the row after
      // or you might want to keep but note move e.g. r.setValue("moved");

with the changes from Carlos M.

I run that and grand permissions again.

Am i saying it right?


    function createSpreadsheetOpenTrigger() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();

function myFunction(e) {
  // see Sheet event objects docs
  // https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/triggers/events#google_sheets_events
  var ss = e.source;
  var s = ss.getActiveSheet();
  var r = e.range;
  // to let you modify where the action and move columns are in the form responses sheet
  var actionCol = 6;
  var nameCol = 4;
  // Get the row and column of the active cell.
  var rowIndex = r.getRowIndex();
  var colIndex = r.getColumnIndex();
  // Get the number of columns in the active sheet.
  // -1 to drop our action/status column
  var colNumber = s.getLastColumn()-1;
  // if our action/status col is changed to ok do stuff
  var targetss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1S8KcrvzjvRxrABXa7A3W7QcLsCyag7DAHnWXgBjiaMc");
  if (e.value == "ok" && colIndex == actionCol) {
    // get our target sheet name - in this example we are using the priority column
    var targetSheet = s.getRange(rowIndex, nameCol).getValue();
    // if the sheet exists do more stuff
    if (ss.getSheetByName(targetSheet)) { 
      // set our target sheet and target range
      var targetSheet = targetss.getSheetByName(targetSheet);
      var targetRange = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow()+1, 1, 1, colNumber);
      // get our source range/row
      var sourceRange = s.getRange(rowIndex, 1, 1, colNumber);
      // new sheets says: 'Cannot cut from form data. Use copy instead.' 
      var sourceData = sourceRange.getValues();
      // ..but we can still delete the row after
      // or you might want to keep but note move e.g. r.setValue("moved");

I saved it and run it but it dont work.What am i doing wrong?


That is the original spreadsheet

. I want to transfer that line 3 when it says ok in the F colum. 原始电子表格

That is the spreadsheet i want that data of the row to go to.

电子表格我希望数据转到,(TAB m1)

That is the script i wrote in the script editor in the original spreadsheet.



That is the log result when i click at run


It doesnt show any error but the row is not getting transfered in the other spreadsheet. Do i have some mistake in the code?


  1. You need an installable trigger to authorize edit access to two spreadsheets. You can check the documentation to create this trigger that runs on edit.


function createSpreadsheetOpenTrigger() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();

Run this function manually to create the trigger.

  1. Use SpreadsheetApp.openById() to open your target spreadsheet. Then you can define ranges similarly to your source spreadsheet.


function myFunction(e) {
  // see Sheet event objects docs
  // https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/triggers/events#google_sheets_events
  var ss = e.source;
  var s = ss.getActiveSheet();
  var r = e.range;
  // to let you modify where the action and move columns are in the form responses sheet
  var actionCol = 6;
  var nameCol = 4;
  // Get the row and column of the active cell.
  var rowIndex = r.getRowIndex();
  var colIndex = r.getColumnIndex();
  // Get the number of columns in the active sheet.
  // -1 to drop our action/status column
  var colNumber = s.getLastColumn()-1;
  // if our action/status col is changed to ok do stuff
  var targetss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("TARGET_SS_ID_HERE");
  if (e.value == "ok" && colIndex == actionCol) {
    // get our target sheet name - in this example we are using the priority column
    var targetSheet = s.getRange(rowIndex, nameCol).getValue();
    // if the sheet exists do more stuff
    if (targetss.getSheetByName(targetSheet)) { 
      // set our target sheet and target range
      var targetSheet = targetss.getSheetByName(targetSheet);
      var targetRange = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow()+1, 1, 1, colNumber);
      // get our source range/row
      var sourceRange = s.getRange(rowIndex, 1, 1, colNumber);
      // new sheets says: 'Cannot cut from form data. Use copy instead.' 
      var sourceData = sourceRange.getValues();
      // ..but we can still delete the row after
      // or you might want to keep but note move e.g. r.setValue("moved");

Replace TARGET_SS_ID_HERE with the ID from this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ < ss_ID >/edit#gid=0

Sample Output:


After setting 'ok' to two rows in column F:


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