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How to get property AssetName from Image.asset in Flutter?

From an AssetImage object i'm trying to get the file name in Flutter.

 Image photo = Image.asset('assets/images/image-not-found.jpg');
 print(photo.image);           // AssetImage(bundle: null, name: "assets/images/image-not-found.jpg")
 print(photo.image.assetName);  // assetName not defined
 print(photo.image.name);       // name not defined

How to get this assetName property?

Something nicer without doing some regex on photo.image.toString() ;


the purpose here was to retrieve the image name in order to compare it. So i just go for direct comparaison.

if(photo.image == AssetImage('assets/images/image-not-found.jpg')){
  print("image was not found");

Try AssetImage for this.

var photo = AssetImage('assets/images/image-not-found.jpg');

//You can use split method like

`String toSplit = 'assets/images/image-not-found.jpg';

var imageName = toSplit.split("/");


//You can get your image name stored in var[2].

First, add an asset folder in pubspec file like:

   - specify a folder where is your assets are stored.

and use like this

    fit: BoxFit.fill,

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