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How to find out which Jakarta EE implementations are used by WildFly?

WildFly is a Jakarta EE compatible application server. This means that all of the Jakarta EE APIs have to be implemented by the server. I am interested in the concrete implementations that WildFly is using for a specific version of WildFly. What is the best way to create a table with columns Jakarta EE API - Implementation of WildFly (or is there some online resource listing this)? I have looked deeply into the WildFly documentation, but so far without success.

The implementations are stored in the modules directory within the Wildfly installation directory. Everything is under modules/system/layers/base . So, for wildfly-21.0.1.Final , you have:


for example. This gets complicated fast, however. Take the servlet implementation. Wildfly has two parts. The first is the spec itself:


and then the code that does the real work:


So you'd have to dig pretty deep to know the "real" implementation.

You can have a look here. Maybe a little old, but they don't change the implementation often, so probably they will be using the same dependency, just updated


The newest release is implementing Jakarta EE 8.

The versions of the included specifications can be found in the Jakarta EE 8 documentation https://jakarta.ee/specifications/platform/8/

You can refer Jakarta EE compliance page any time here:


There are full list of compatible implementations there.

So WildFly 18.0.0 is Jakarta EE 8 compatible.

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